well hello there ...
A Day in My Life
Friday, Sept. 20, 2002
4:19 PM

So I just finished reading this book called Meg by Steve Alten for the 2nd time. I read it a few years ago when it first came out and remembered a months back that my sister had borrowed it. So I got it back and read it in a few days. Now if you like Jaws or other books of that nature then you will LOVE this book. It is about a Carcharadon Megalodon (a prehistoric 60 plus foot mega shark*) that escapes the Mariana Trench (one of the deepest sections of our oceans) and wrecks havoc on the modern world. Okay, okay now Fu said the same thing � not really his cup of tea, but I have to tell you that it is a real page turner!

So I finished that book and look on this guys web site only to find that this is just the first in a trilogy of books about the Megalodon. WooHoo!! AND I also found out that the wonderful Mr. Alten has started a new trilogy about the Mayan doomsday prophecy**. I was so excited that when Fu offered to run to Hastings and buy the first book Domain I quickly took him up on the offer. He hands me the paperback and I realize that it is 495 pages long! Now, let me tell you that had I been there to buy it, I am not so sure I would have gone through with it when I saw the length. I like most things to be of a manageable size and I didn�t think I would have the patience for a 500 page book. You know? So, I held off on starting it until my lunch break on Wednesday. So I read for an hour and stopped (sadly). Then yesterday I have a whole day*** to read this book so I was able to get about 2/3 of the way through it and now I am having a really hard time concentrating on work because all I want to do is finish this FREAKING book! Yes it is that good!! Anyway, I have already informed Fu that I will most likely be finishing the book this weekend, so he shouldn�t expect to much out of me. He said he completely understands and that is just one of the many reasons I love him.

So now I will explain all of my asterisks.

* This shark really existed during the same time periods as the dinosaurs. I am sure some of you have at least seen the HUGE fossilized shark teeth that they will show on the Discovery Channel during shark week. Right? Well they are usually 7 to 8 inches long and 3 to 5 inches wide with feriously serrated edges (go here http://www.megalodonteeth.com/html/megcat.html for a picture of some teeth). Compare that to a normal shark tooth which is usually 3 inches long and 1 to 1.5 inches wide. Yeah I think you get the picture of just how bloody terrified I was while reading this book. I have basically joined Fu in the decision that we will never swim in the ocean. I may stand in foot deep water but that will probably be about it. I mean Jesus! I don�t even like swimming in the lakes here because weird things come up and touch me! Ooogggeeee!!

** Have you heard of the Mayan calendar? I know you�ve heard of the Mayans right? The ancient tribe of native Central/South Americans that lived approximately 2500 years ago. They built temples and pyramids that are now located in the jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula. Well this book is about how their calendar which abrubtly ends on December 21, 2012 (the winter solstice) may predict the end of the world. It is really fascinating! Now hold your panties for just a seck, this isn�t a prophetic book like Nostradamus would write or anything like that, it is fiction and therefore doesn�t freak me out too much. Well except the part about the calendar, which is true. If you like Isaac Asimov then you will like this!

*** Now why did I have the whole day yesterday to just lounge around and read you ask? Well about 1:30 AM Thursday morning a very large thunderstorm moved through our area. A lightning bolt struck the electrical transformer behind our next door neighbor�s house and it exploded. Yep that�s right the freaking thing EXPLODED! There was this tremendous �Whhummpppp� sound and an incredibly bright flash and that is all it took for Fu and I to sit straight up in bed, look at each other, and ask �What the Hell was that?� All I could think was that our house had been struck or one of the many trees on our lot was struck. It really was that loud and bright. Anyway, we look out the window and realize what is happening. I keep thinking that the tree that engulfs the electric pole and transformer is going to catch on fire and I guess someone else was thinking the same thing because it isn�t too long before the fire department shows up. Yeah I�m not too bright because the first person I called was the electric company. To hell with property, life, and limb, I want to make sure they know we don�t have any damned lights! (duh!)

So Fu and I run (er let me correct that, I run) around the house unplugging everything since this continuing series of explosions is sending spikes of electricity to our house. I know this because our bedroom light flickered then one of the bulbs blew. Craziness was amuck within our tiny little abode. So Fu and I finally lay back down around 2 or 2:15 just praying it won�t happen again. But we weren�t so lucky. About an hour and a half later it happened again. This time we just got up looked out the window real quick and went right back to bed. Ehhh you see one electrical transformer explode, you�ve seen em all right?

It wasn�t until about 4:30 that the chainsawing started up. Yes that�s right CHAINSAWS at 4 in the morning! I guess the electric company sent someone out to clear tree limbs away from the transformer in anticipation of the coming workers.

Long story short, those �workers� didn�t show until 1:30 in the afternoon and I didn�t have electricity until WELL after that as they had to enter our backyard and cut down several more tree limbs to rehang a wire from the transformer to our pole.

So now we have electricity, but we also have an elephant sized shit load of limbs and branches littering our backyard that the nice folks at OG&E left for us to deal with. Thanks guys!

Okay, so I think that just about does it. You are all now up to date on the goings on in our life. Hope I made your day a bit brighter!

I am going home now to turn on every Fucking light in the house.

Waistin Electricity,

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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006