well hello there ...
Our Day's Adventures
Saturday, Aug. 03, 2002
11:32 PM

Today Fu and I went looking for a farmer's market in the city and as we flipped through the Gazette Fu realized that there was a flea market/antique sale at the fairgrounds, so we went to that instead. We bought a piece of art made out of somebody's old silverware. This little object d'art is actually MUCH cooler than it sounds, unlike those weird rings people wore a few years ago made out of small spoon handles.

We also found the most excellent book store in the OKC metro area - it is called Book Beat & Co. They have the largest selection of Brautigan that Fu has ever seen which of course means that we will now be frequenting this grand establishment. Actually this is just fine with me as I could wander it's long narrow aisles for hours and hours just reading snippets of this and that, finding out that I really want to know NOTHING more about Ed Gein or that Louis Lamour must have written and completed at least one book everyday of his life because there are just so freaking many of them or secretly trying to sneak a peak at the naughty books in the "erotica" section of the store without the mildly nerdy but highly intelligent owner guy seeing me and thinking I am just there for some cheap thrills. Also, they have a lot of amateur art hanging on the walls, most of which looks like they found it at the garage sale of someone that thought they wanted to be an artist but has since grown older and realized that perhaps what they once perceived as modern or cubist art is actually just daydreams in gouache on canvas. But you know, it all seems as though it belongs and honestly, many of them are quite wonderful.

Oh and today was our 5 month wedding anniversary - so we each bought a book and came home and took a nice little nap. There are days when life is nothing but good.

Good tidings,

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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006