well hello there ...
I almost chucked at work
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002
12:07 PM

This weekend was long and short. It was actually a bit odd and Fu & I both made comments in that vein several times.

See, we went shopping Friday after work (which we never do) and didn�t even get home until around 10 pm. Then we didn�t get to bed until midnight. Oh, in case you are curious, we bought clothes for me and CD�s for him. I have been in dire need of some new winter duds and luckily they were having a big sale when I walked into �my� store at the mall (ugh!). So Fu said he would go browse a couple of music stores and come back for me. When he returned I was still shopping so he told me where he would be and that I should come down there when I was finished. 45 minutes and 2 huge bags of clothes later I walk down to find Fu almost standing behind the counter of this record shop talking to the clerk/manager guy. Turns out that Fu had found someone that loved all the same kind of music as him in the freaking MALL of all places. AND that Richard Buckner was in town not too long ago and we MISSED THE SHOW!!! Yes, Fu & I shed a tear in agony when we found that out. So once I was able to drag him away from his new friend we left, grabbed a bite to eat and headed home.

Saturday we went on a cleaning binge! We cleaned every room in our house (except the guest bedroom and the computer/music room those we will tackle next weekend). We do our weekly cleaning every week, but this was our Fall cleaning weekend. Okay, so I have never owned a brand spanking new vacuum cleaner. I have owned two in my life and they were both hand me downs, but I have also never had cats. Do you see where this story is leading?

I swept the whole house (we have hardwood floors throughout) and then proceeded to vacuum the two rugs we have (one in living room and one runner in the hall). But to my dismay that damned vacuum cleaner was not doing a very good job, so I sent Fu out to buy us a new one at Target. He comes back with a beauty! It is bagless (which I am now 100% in favor of), has a HEPA filter, and all these nifty attachments. I was in HEAVEN! We assemble that mother and I set my sights on that living room rug. HOLY CRAP!! I had NO idea how bad my old vacuum cleaner was. I mean geez, I have already resolved to NEVER live in another house with wall to wall carpeting after seeing what I sweep up every week from our wood floors. BUT to think that when I was vacuuming in previous residences, I wasn�t picking hardly anything up � ACK! It just makes me sick thinking about it!!! Seriously folks � that shit is NASTY!

Anyway, so we finish cleaning and I start fixing lasagna as Dots & Jerm were coming over for dinner. They brought a most excellent Caesar salad and garlic bread. It was a very yummy dinner and we all had several laughs at each others drunk stories after dinner.

After they left, Fu and I decided to walk down to Dana & Michael�s house as we had been invited to their world-famous Halloween party. Fu dressed as �Blacula� and I was a cowgirl. My costume consisted of a head band that had yarn braids and a tiny little cowboy hat and a white t-shirt upon which I had sharpie�d �cowgirl�. Pretty inventive huh? Yeah I thought so too. We had a really good time, but unfortunately didn�t stay very long as I was EXTREMELY tired from the day�s work and since I wasn�t drinking, I didn�t have anything to pep me up. The costumes there were hysterical. Darrin and Jen were a fabulous 70�s couple, Michael and Dana were Hannibal & Clarice, Tanner was a giant foam finger (that one was awesome!), and let�s see there was a cross-dressed couple, a pimp and ho, what appeared to be an S&M couple, and a bunch of others that I can�t remember.

Sunday we didn�t do all that much. We did some laundry and I think we ran some errands � nothing too adventurous since I can�t seem to remember it.

But I really wanted to tell you about how great my husband is. Yesterday I had an all day meeting that luckily let out early. By the time it was over (3pm) I was suffering from an unbelievably bad headache and a case of the heeves! I honestly did not think I was going to make it out of the office without chucking in some high traffic area. Luckily I made it home and into the bathroom before I got a second viewing of that day�s food.

I called Fu to tell him that I was going home and next thing I know he is taking off work to pick up my medicine and come home to take care of me! He really is the BEST! Then when he shows up, he has brought me some of the prettiest flowers. I don�t care what the lady at the flower shop says, size does NOT matter � it�s the thought that counts! And Fu is one of the most thoughtful men I have ever met. I really am thankful everyday that I have him.

Falling in love all over again,

P.S. I feel a little better today, but am still really queasy.

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Song of the Day: ��Raindrops keep fallin on my head
Socks of the Day: ��white with strawberries
Smell of the Day: ��printer toner
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006