well hello there ...
She just crotched me a purdy doily
Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004
4:11 PM

Okay, so Fu's workplace has an internal "For Sale" board and today someone posted the following question.

Does anyone out there have any idea what to charge for hand crotched doilies (sp)?

The assisted living center my Grandma lives in is having a craft fair and she wants to sell some of the things she has made, but none of us have any idea what�she should charge.

Now let me just say, I respect the fact that her grandmother is still active and she is supporting a good cause, but don't you think she should have picked up a dictionary or hit 'spellcheck' before sending it out? I mean, this person thought enough to put the universal (sp?) symbol after the word "doilies" (which was spelled correctly by the way) but not after "crotched"!! WTF?!?

Anyway, it made me laugh, so I thought you all might enjoy it too!


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