well hello there ...
My encounter with Tenacious D
Saturday, Apr. 20, 2002
9:38 AM

Okay, so I admit it - I am old. There are you happy? No I am being serious! See last night Dots, Jerm, Fu, and I go to dinner at Crabtown in Bricktown and then walk on over to catch the Tenacious D show. First let me say that there was absolutely ZERO advertising for this show; no radio, tv, or print ads (well okay ONE print ad, but that was it), and the freaking thing was sold out! Okay so anyway, we get in line since it is a gen admin show. We walk in the place and the realization hits me that this place has NO seating!! ACK! Right so that is when the FULL weight of my 30 years hits me. I start trying to devise ways of NOT having to stand for the next 4 hours. I leaned on some railing on the platform we were standing on, I leaned on Fu, I planted my huge Ass on a tiny little ledge to try and trick my feet into thinking that I was perched and they weren't actually standing on slate. All of this to no avail - my dogs were barkin and growlin! OH AND the opening band sucked ASS! At first I thought they were playing Soundgarden or Alice in Chains covers - HELLO? Grunge ended like 8-10 years ago - I should know I was knee deep in the beginning of it during my college days. Anyway the D finally takes the stage and I am enlivened. They are funny on their album and that spilled over into their live performance, but outside of two HYSTERICAL short films they showed as kinds of intermissions, they were basically just up there playing their songs EXACTLY as they sound on the album - I WANTED IMPROV and I wanted it right then DAMMIT! But apparently Jack Black can not read my thoughts across a crowded concert venue, BASTARD!

Anyhoo, we did have a really good time and they were funny and the evening was a success. Guess you probably wouldn't think that from the bitch-fest above, but really now I am glad we went. Oh I almost forgot to mention that Em and Wendy met up with us in line outside and became cutters. I just played it off by saying "hey thanks for parking the car - really appreciate it." Wendy caught right on, Em? Not so much! He just kept saying "huh?" I kept winking and nudging him, and FINALLY about 5 minutes into it he picked up on it. Guess it really didn't matter, I mean it wasn't like we were competing for seats inside or something.

The D rocked my ASS,
Squeeky D

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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006