well hello there ...
Tom DeLay you are a MOTHER FUCKER!
Friday, Apr. 22, 2005
7:27 AM

So, Mr. Man, just how on earth is it that you think that Article I of the Constitution is more important than Article III? What on earth makes you think that it's okay to stop all filibusters on YOUR nominees? Do you realize that you live in the USA and not Iraq? What's next Mr. DeLay? Redistricting Texas to suit your political ambitions? Oh wait, you've already done that, you FUCKER!

This whole thing with you and your pals Coburn and GW deciding that you don't like the fact that representatives of people that oppose your beliefs might have a say in the seating of the next Justice of the Supreme Court really chaps my hide!

Listen DeLay, I'm sure you don't care what some girl from OK thinks about your political beliefs, but Coburn, you're from my state buddy. If you think even for a MINUTE that I'm not going to do every thing in my power to make sure you never get elected again, well you've got another thing coming. I wept the day you won that election, I knew right then that there are a small faction of active voters that have their heads up their asses!

The following people are now at the top of my "FUCK YOU BUDDY" list:

Tom DeLay
Tom Coburn
G.W. Bush (you fucking weenie!)

Man you guys piss me off! And this is coming from a former member of the Young Republicans. You guys have twisted this party into the worst kind of political party. I will be changing my political affiliation ASAP! No longer will I associate myself with the party you represent, I'd sooner be called a socialist than a republican!

The thing that's really frightening is that people believe you. Where is this country headed? If it keeps going in the direction you are taking it, well I sure hope Canada doesn't close it's borders!

Every fucking thing I read about this just makes me more and more angry!

God forbid someone do actual research instead of acting based upon their uninformed religious beliefs!!!

See, see, do you SEE what I'm talking about?!?

Deep breath, okay, only 3 more years of you idiots. Only 3 more years.

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Song of the Day: ��Revolution - The Beatles
Socks of the Day: ��shackles
Smell of the Day: ��fear
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006