well hello there ...
Fu's Fast Asleep
Sunday, Jan. 13, 2002
7:33 AM

Well here it is Sunday morning and I am writing an entry to you all instead of lying asleep in bed next to big warm Fu. You see, I am cursed with this syndrom know as "Early Riser-itis." Some days it is the biggest blessing that could ever have been bestowed upon me. Other days it is the most wicked of all curses. Like today for instance, I could be fast asleep wrapped in the arms of the man I love. Am I? NO! Instead I am up washing dishes and cleaning the house. Which he will tell me I should have waited to do until he could help me. I'm tellin ya, he is such an amazing person - I am just astounded daily that I actually found someone like him. He is handsome, funny, smart, oh and handy around the house. I think I may have found the perfect man.

Yesterday we went up to visit my mom (she had surgery on Friday) and my grandmother (Mimi to all of you in "the know") was there to stay with her for a while as she recouperated. Anyway, Fu had met Mimi before but never really got to talk to her. After we left he looked me as we sat a red light and said, "I like Mimi, she's pretty funny." At that point I really had no choice but to kiss him. You see, it wasn't just because he thinks Mimi is funny, but that he just sees things in life the same as me and that just reinforces the feeling I have that we were made for each other. Yes I realize that is a cliche and used far too often, but I really believe it. There are so many ways that we are similar, yet just enough differences to keep things lively and exciting. Oh the other thing? He made my dad crack up laughing when we were there at Christmas. The only other people that have been able to do that in my family are Deanna, Matt, and me (step-mom and brother respectively). You would have to know my dad to realize that this is quite an accomplishment, especially since Dad was trying to be all mean and gruff to his oldest daughter's suitor. You know he has to get his bluff in early. Geez, I sure love my dad - I think I just reverted back to being 12 years old for a second there, but my dad really is one of the greatest men you would ever want to meet.

Okay, well I guess I had better get back to doing dishes, etc., etc. Hopefully Fu will be up soon and we can get this party started, right? Right!

Just trying to kill time,

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Socks of the Day: ��
Smell of the Day: ��
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006