well hello there ...
Friday duldrums
Friday, Jan. 11, 2002
7:55 AM

Well it's Friday again. Fu & I don't really have anything big planned
for the weekend. We will probably go to Petsmart and get
some fishies (beta or gold, we haven't decided yet -suggestions?).

My mom is having surgery today, so we will probably go visit her during her
drug haze tomorrow. I talked to her this morning and she was in good spirits -
her biggest concern? - that she couldn't have a Diet Coke as soon as she
opened her eyes. Yep that's good ole' Teo for ya. What? What was that
you asked me? Oh yes indeed that is my mother's name - Teo.
Her middle name? Yeah it's Juana - Teo Juana. Yes my grandmother does
have quite the sense of humor. But hey, it isn't every day that you meet
someone named after a city in Mexico, now is it?

I have to expound on the wonders of Fu just a little bit more, so indulge
me please. That man is amazing! He is such a busy little bee around
the house. Every day when I come home, he has done laundry,
washed dishes (I don't have a dishwasher), straightened up the living
or computer room, and he always greets me with a smile, a kiss,
and tells me that he is happy that I am home. Now really, how
could any woman not LOVE to come home to that?!?

Sunday I will probably have a wedding summit meeting with Kimmye
and Dots. They are my two Matrons of Honor (Matron is the married
version right?). Anyhoo, Kimmye wants to host a wedding shower for us
and Dots has offered to host the most KICK-ASS bachelorette party ever!
Now you all know that it is going to be one hell of a shin-dig
if Dots is in charge!! Woo Hoo I can barely wait!

Oh and I had to fire someone that worked for me yesterday. You know,
that just never gets easy. I mean I had/have all the documentation
in order and from reading that it is obvious that there were was just
no way that person's pattern of behavior could be allowed to continue.
Still it is never easy to tell someone that they are now officially
unemployed. As a human being I just want to tell them that it will
be okay and that things will work out, but as a manager I have to
be straight faced and unapologetic. I am the Queen of all Hard Asses.
(Thanks Dad for giving me that quality, if I didn't have it I wouldn't
be able to handle this job.)

Speaking of my job, I guess I had better get back to it.
If anyone has any suggestions about fish, post them in my guestbook.
AND if you want to know where Fu and I are registered, just ask,
oh, and leave your email address and I will tell you.
Because I know that you are all just DYING to buy us wedding
presents! (I know, I know, I should be ashamed of myself!)

Having a career and trying to plan a wedding - yeah I need a Valium!

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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006