well hello there ...
Biters and the Biting Biters who Bite them
Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2004
11:40 AM

So, we've been having a bit of trouble with the Dudster biting every GD thing in site. This includes but is NOT limited to the following items:
our toes
my ankles
Brad's butt
my fingers
Brad's neck
our ears
our hair
my bra (through my shirt)
the carpet
the floor pillows we have in the corner
any shoe laying on the floor
any pull string dangling off clothing you may or may not be wearing
any cat or cat toy he can find

Yeah so, at first I thought it was just that he is teething, but JEEZY CHREEZY! this is ridiculous!!

So here is the email that Brad sent me today outlining his proposed plan to stop this teeth tirade:

see if they have some sort of something you can spray or apply that tastes bad to a dog so when he goes to bite it he'll be all....well,�this would best be portrayed in the form�of a small one act play:

Dudley as El Diablo
Nicole Kidman as Cristi Whiddon
George Clooney as Brad Whiddon

Scene 1, Act 1: A cozy living room. Cristi sits, clothed only in underwear, in a green chair to the side of an entertainment center. Brad enters, stage left, walking towards the kitchen. El Diablo sits on the floor in front of Cristi contemplating the act of biting.

�El Diablo: "OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY I need to bite something I need to bite something I need to bite something WOW look at that cat look at that cat GRRRRRR take that you little furry mouse OH SNAP look at that shoe...."

Cristi: "NO!"

Brad: "Here, try this" (hands her�mysterious package)

(Cristi applies mysterious formula, liberally, to anything and everything within El Diablo's field of vision)

El Diablo: (wanders over to shoe, sniffs, and proceeds to bite with ferocity) "Damn. This tastes like crap. I SHALL BITE NO MORE FOREVER!"


so, yeah...see if they have some sort of mysterious formula.

i love you.

last :: next

Song of the Day: ��Yoshimi Battles the Robots, Part 1 - The Flaming Lips
Socks of the Day: ��tan and red striped
Smell of the Day: ��snow bitches, 'cause it's snowing here today
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006