well hello there ...
My Trip to the ER
Sunday, Dec. 01, 2002
4:36 PM

So, how was your Thanksgiving? Mine was good - right up until the part where Fu rushes me to the emergency room.

See, I used to have pretty bad migraines, but they have really slacked off over the past few years. Well I guess they decided to come back with a vengence on Friday. As soon as I woke up that morning I knew that it was bad, so I tried some caffeine, then a hot shower, then I laid down for a bit, and then it hit me. I barely made it to the bathroom before I started chucking. All that beautiful food that I had prepared for my first Thanksgiving dinner was now launching itself from my inner regions.

That is what woke Fu up. He came to check on me when he heard me crying through the chucks. He helped me through that spell and a few more. He rubbed my neck, he gave me my Imitrex spray, he brought me crackers and ginger ale all to no avail. This went on for the next four hours until he finally convinced me to let him take me to the ER.

So we get there, I chuck in their bathroom, and they finally get me admitted. Now starts the fun part, I got one shot of Phenergan and that didn't work, then I got a shot of Demerol and that didn't work, so they finally decided to do a CT scan and check out the old grey matter. When that came out clear and they realized that my headache had not gone away they brought out the big guns. Yep, I got a shot of Morphine! Can you believe that shit?!? I mean, I knew I was having the worst one of my life, but had no idea that it was going to take Morphine to make it go away. Let me tell you something - that knocked me the hell out and quick.

So all this time (4+ hours) Fu just sits by my bedside worrying and waiting for the doctors to return with some kind of medicine to make me better. Oh and he told me this morning that he read a Cosmo magazine that was sitting in there, he says he learned a few things! haha

Anyway, they finally release me to go home and tell Fu that I will be out of it for a day or so, but that he should wake me every two hours to make sure I am still okay. They forgot to tell us, however, that the morphine was going to make me chuck on the way home. Good thing Fu was thinking and had brought a bowl along on the ride to the hospital. So I need to pause here and tell the guy that was in the car next to us at the light on Boyd & Asp sorry for letting him see me chuck into a bowl in my car as he glanced our way. I am sure that made his day.

Anyway, I have been in a morphine enduced haze for the past 48 hours and am still a bit sluggish and weak kneed, but I should be back to normal in a few days.

In the mean time, Fu threw out all the Thanksgiving food just in case some of it was the culprit in this little "day after Thanksgiving ER episode".

Hope your turkey was tasty!

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Song of the Day: ��you're gonna quit me - bob dylan
Socks of the Day: ��those cute little hospital booties
Smell of the Day: ��you don't want to know
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006