well hello there ...
Hilde Hater
Thursday, May. 30, 2002
1:56 PM

Yeah so I copied this from a chat room about Trading Spaces - but I think it pretty much says it all.

I have theory about Hilde: She doesn't give a DAMN what the homeowners want and don't want in their rooms. She has wacky ideas (like the nauseating circus tent) and uses the show as an opportunity to execute them. It doesn't matter what the personal preferences of the homeowners are: she's going to do her idea no matter what. Also, that blue orthagonal room looked like living in a holodeck (for anyone who know Star Trek). Truly revolting! Has anyone else noticed that when things don't go as she has planned, she denies that there's a problem? Two cases in point: the fireplace that she said would be painted "midnight blue" and everyone that has eyes could plainly see that it was the most non-blue shade of PURPLE. She goes, "No. That's blue." The poor homeowners kept telling her it looked purple, and instead of conceding, she continued to claim it was blue. Number 2: She says she's plastering the ceiling "terra cotta" but the plaster comes out pink. Hilde says, "No, that's terra cotta." It's like she can't ever admit that she was slightly wrong. Doug may have crazy rooms sometimes, but he doesn't blindly deny that he was wrong: consider that pink room that he and his homeowners wanted "hot pink" but it came out "piggy bank pink." Doug went to the store and bought a new hot pink color and repainted the room himself. Hilde is absolutely crazy, stuck up and in total denial about her lack of vision and skills. I want to vomit everytime I see her interviewed by Paige when the room is complete. She is so affected, with her pearls and her hands folded in her lap, so smug and self satisfied. One last thought: how hard must it have been to pull that hay of the wall one strand at a time? (You know they took it off!)

I hate Hilde too!

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