well hello there ...
Damn Proud of It!
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002
8:55 PM

I am about to embark on a long journey of bitching, so if you aren't in the mood you should toon out now!

Fu and I took our cats to the vet yesterday to get a check up and a few shots, etc. Anyway, the vet was asking what shots they had and didn't have and she asked if they had been declawed. I told her that "yeah we had them declawed as soon as they were old enough because they were going to be strictly indoor cats." So what does the vet and her assistant say? "Aww poor kitties!" Now I am standing there thinking several things - tant among them is the fact that she is a VETERINARIAN!!! Don't you do this kind of shit for a living? Yeah that's what I thought! So you know what, yes you are DAMN straight we declawed our cats! Look I know a lot of people have gotten all humane over the past few years and decided that it is now a bad thing to declaw cats but let me put my two cents into this discussion.

People are just fine with and, in fact, completely endorse stripping animals of their respective "man or womanhood" so they don't have to feel bad when they see strays running around or have to put them to sleep due to over population. But I am a bad person because I don't want them tearing up my brand new furniture AND I happen to enjoy NOT being clawed and scratched on the arms, legs, and face?!? Let me tell you something mmkay? Just like people have elective surgery to help ease their life by ridding themselves of annoying body problems (breast reduction, etc.) Fu and I gave the cats elective surgery to help ease their lives. I mean really, would you want to spend your life being yelled at or swatted at everytime you stretched out to scratch? I figure their lives are now a bit more peaceful. Yes I know exactly what the procedure entails and you know what, I still think it was a good idea. They were completely sedated during the procedure so they felt no pain. Was there a little tenderness afterward? Probably, but I have been there and lived through it so I figure they can do the same. So don't try to tell me what they feel - I think I have a pretty good idea. Probably a DAMN site better than a lot of people out there, that's for sure.

And another thing ... I eat red meat, I believe in the death penalty, I am STRONGLY against abortion, I believe prayer in schools isn't such a bad thing (especially these days), and I own and shoot guns for sport.

Now if you have a problem with that I believe you have that right because you and I both live in America, but I also have the right not to listen to you.

Of course this was all just a huge big MOTHER of a bitch session I was having in my head and never said any of it out loud, but I was sure as hell thinking it. Then she stuck her thumb up FootFoot's little ass and squeezed an impacted anal scent gland and my thoughts moved on to a WHOLE other arena of discussion!

I may talk to myself but I'm not crazy!

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Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006