well hello there ...
Moving on up
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2001
6:32 PM

Sitting here strumming my fingers on the desk, just waiting. Waiting for what you ask? Well to be a five year old again - "That's for me to know and you to find out." It's that simple, if you know, then you know me pretty well and if you don't, well then you probably don't need to know. But Squeeky still loves you anyway! I don't haate! haha

What is the deal with time zones anyway? I mean really! What is the freaking point in people in different parts of the country not being able to be on the same time schedule? That's it! I am moving east. I have decided that there really isn't all that much holding me here and I need an adventure. Any suggestions for a good place to live? I was thinking that I would like to stay in the South, so New England is out. I would like to live near the ocean, but they always have those darn hurricanes, so the East Coast is out. Too many alligators in Florida, I 've already lived in Mississippi. Alabama and Louisiana don't really appeal to me all that much. What does that leave? Hmm, I dunno. Guess I will just hop that midnight train and see where it takes me.


Squeeky Knight and the Pips

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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006