well hello there ...
20 year old college boy
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2001
6:35 PM

Okay so I just realized that I live like a 20 year old college boy.
Here is why, I just surveyed the contents
of my fridge and it contains the following items:

Dr. Pepper
Orange Crush (being saved for Mr. Right)
various condiments
leftover pizza
leftover lunch from yesterday (chicken strips & fries)
expired apples
expired grape juice
expired cranberry juice
lemons (i don't think they expire - do they?)
and in the freezer I have popsicles and tea bags

Needin some food stamps,

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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006