well hello there ...
Here Is How It Went Down
Thursday, Nov. 22, 2001
9:31 PM

I get to the airport at least an hour before his plane is due to arrive because, well because I just couldn't stay at the house any longer. I wanted to begin my trek to meet this wonderful man. Right, so I am there an hour early and beginning to curse myself when I realize that there is a hellacious line leading up to hourly parking. Apparently, and for reasons that I completely agree with, they were searching EVERY vehicle that got any where near the airport terminal. So then I was EXTREMELY grateful for this damned impatience of mine! So I finally got to the new waiting area, since family & friends are no longer allowed in the concourse and begin my 45 minute wait (the car search didn't take very long - obviously). At some point a plane load of people come through and I look and I look and I LOOK - No Fu-Fu. So I sit back down and suddenly my cell phone begins to ring - and WHO's name, you may ask yourself, was on the caller ID? No other that Fu-Fu's cell phone. I answer and he asks where I am. I say that I am in the airport (duh!). Where is he? He is standing downstairs at baggage claim - apparently he walked right past me and we didn't even see each other! Isn't that BIZARRE! haha So I stay on the line with him and tell him that I am headed for the escalator and am coming down there to meet him. As I am riding toward the bottom floor, he tells me that he is leaning against a pillar in front of the Thrifty Car Rental counter. So I step off the escalator and he asks (on the phone) if I am wearing a yellow shirt. I say yes while searching around frantically for him. So yeah, he saw me first and didn't bolt for the next plane back home. (yay!) Finally over to my left I spot him and begin walking toward him. Let me tell you - he was a sight for sore eyes! Okay, yes at first we were both a bit perplexed as to what to say, but I truly think that it was just shock that we were actually standing there face to face. Plus he had been on this self-induced "no-poop" fast, so he was probably week from hunger. Anyway, we grabbed his bags, headed toward the car and begin the 30 minute journey to my house.

So that is the beginning of the story, for the next section you will have to check back in a day or two after I experience the next few days of Fu-Fu-ness!

Emerson is currently on his way over with beer and a tape of Eddie Izzard for our evening entertainment. After he leaves, well refer to the paragraph above! (hee hee)

So okay he is here and we have ordered Pizza AND he and Bradley are giving me shit about being on the computer while they are here - So long story short - THIS GIRL HAS GOTS TO GO!!

Laughing and Starving,

last :: next

Song of the Day: ��
Socks of the Day: ��
Smell of the Day: ��
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006