well hello there ...
Dudley and the tale of the vanishing Kotex
Monday, Aug. 23, 2004
10:39 AM

So Dudley (the pug dog) dug something completely NASTY out of the bathroom trash Saturday morning. Then as my mom (remember, she came to visit this weekend) chased him around the house trying to get it away from him, he "GULP" swallowed it! ACK!!

So she came running into my bedroom and announced what had just happened. I then began to gag as I reached for the phone to dial up the vet. Because this certain something has plastic and adhesive on it (yes girls, you know what it is!), they said it would be best if I brought him in so they could pump his stomach! UGH!

That damn dog!!

So, mom and I load him up and head to Norman to the vet's office. Then I had to recount the story right there at the counter with the other veterinary patrons listening on. Not to worry, said the lady behind the counter, this happens more than one would think. In fact, she said, they had a boxer come in a while back that had eaten an ENTIRE box of tampons! That, she said, created an emergency surgery and $1000 in bills for the owner. Now that would have pissed me off! The lady said I would need to leave him, but that most likely he would be able to come home that same day. She said the doctor would call me when "something" came up! haha

So, off we went, Mom and I, to do a little shopping. About an hour and a half later as I stood half naked in a dressing room, the vet calls. Dudley has finally thrown up the offending object and is doing just fine, we can come get him anytime. GREAT! I was at least 30 minutes and a pair of pants away, so I ring Fu. He was a bit exasperated as he had just started watching Gus Van Sant's movie Elephant and wanted to know if he could finish it first. No, the vet closed in 1.5 hours, so he needed to go right then.

Anyway, lots of worry and $50 later Dudley is just fine. However, he does get yelled at anytime he goes anywhere NEAR a trash can now. :)

So, how was your weekend?

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Song of the Day: ��Take me to the river - Talking Heads version
Socks of the Day: ��flippy floppies (at work no less!)
Smell of the Day: ��cardboard boxes (for packing up my office)
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006