well hello there ...
Bedtime Conversation with You
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002
10:19 PM

That's right - I said cram it.

You know that Fu's a liar right? Well in case you didn't, he is. I mean his food was good and all, but I did not org out thrice or threaten to vomit or that other nasty thing either. However, I must say that the dinner he prepared was delicious.

So, my ankle itches. Just thought you might want to know and I felt like sharing so there you are. My ankle itches. A few minutes ago I was sitting on the bed and scratched it so hard that I thought it was going to bleed - that can't be good right?

Fred keeps shaking his head and bending his right ear flap down. I think he may have a kitten ear infection and want to take him to the cat doc, but Fu says we have to wait until Saturday (when we have money) and I know he's right but I sure am worried about Frederick the Great's hearing. I mean cat's are lazy anyway, but how worthless would a deaf cat be, really? (btw, i just decided to start calling him Frederick the Great because he has a bitchy Egyptian attitude, thought you would want to know).

So Fu's takin a shit and talking to me at the same time. He's asking me if I know about the signs at the gas pump that say that the police can take your driver's license away if you pump gas and take off without paying. I say that yes I do in fact know about that. So he tells me that it says on there that it is called the "Pump Pirate Act". Interesting huh? Well then he tells me that as he was getting gas today he took his little pen and made the "P" on pump into an "R" so that now it says "Rump Pirate Act". I laughed out loud and then wished that I could be there when the first person notices that. Damn I wish I were that person.

Well I need to go pull a string out of FootFoot's mouth - I am sure it will take me a bit as she likes to eat and ingest string so that I have the nasty task of pulling a sopping wet string from her stomach, throat, and mouth. UGH! I wonder if she likes the feeling of string being pulled the wrong way through her throat - YIKES!!

I almost just vomited thinking about that,

P.S. Fu just informed me that he has crapped his "innards" out.

last :: next

Song of the Day: ��Gravity of the Situation - Vic Chesnutt
Socks of the Day: ��currently barefoot
Smell of the Day: ��wet string from a cat's mouth
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006