well hello there ...
The Incredible Melting Man
Tuesday, Apr. 09, 2002
7:50 AM

SO ... Fu and I were out and about this weekend (after the wreck) and happened into this antique store in the city. STOP! Let me give you a bit of background, when I was seven years old (or so) this horror film was released and it was the first one I EVER saw. My mother took me to it and in retrospect that probably wasn't such a good idea! That movie scared the Buhjeezes out of me. The name of the movie? The Incredible Melting Man. So, flash forward 20 some odd years to Fu and I at this antique store. We come across an original movie poster for this obscure film - of course we bought it for a meeger $8. THEN we get home and he finds that someone is selling a copy of it on video on Ebay (I didn't even think it was released on video)!! He bids and WINS!! for $6!!! A-Woo-Hoo!! I am so excited!! I can't wait for it to arrive so I can see if it is really scary for I was just a wussy 7 year old.

I'm Meeellllttttiinnnggg!

P.S. Apparently this was Rick Baker's first film. (he is that special effects guy - you know the one)

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