well hello there ...
Weekend with W & L
Monday, Oct. 01, 2001
3:29 PM

So, my weekend was pretty good. How about you?

Friday, W and I went to Happy Hour for about 2 hours and then I went to Obie's house so he could work on ole' Bessie (my beloved car). Unfortunately, he could not and we decided to delay it until Sunday.

Saturday, I woke up at the glorious hour of 4 am so that I could be in downtown OKC by 6 am for the Race for the Cure. That was a very fulfilling experience and I was out of there by 11:30. I clocked people as they crossed the finish line and help break everything down when the race was over.

After that I went straight to W's house and she, L, and I went and had some lunch. Then we went shopping. I got some new things for my new house. Bathmat, toothbrush holder, pictures frames, etc. Actually that was all I bought, but it seemed like a lot at the time. Then we went to Sushi Neko for dinner - LOVED it!! We ordered Edamme (sp?), a few assorted Sushi rolls, and chicken katsu. W had a Japanese beer, while L and I had wine. After that we went to a secret location and then on to see a movie. "Don't Say a Word" I wouldn't have picked it but it ended up being okay. Please remember that it was 11:45 PM by the time the movie was over and I had (by then) been up for almost 20 hours. Yeah I dozed off a couple of times during the movie, but I don't think anyone noticed! haha

Let's see, Sunday I woke up, threw on some clothes and headed to Obie's house for car repairs. He and Ray replaced a battery cable and my thermostat. Both of those problems now fixed, I headed for the gas station. As soon as I pull out, a new problem crops up. Doesn't it always work that way though?!? I came home, napped for approx 1 hour and then began some laundry and cleaning. Later Ziggy & Chigga-B came by and we went to BisonWitches for dinner. Yumm! Then I came home, watched a little TV and went to bed. Pretty exciting huh? Well I was a pretty full weekend for me. Seriously!

Today I worked for about 6 hours, came home and hooked up my computer, ran to the Red Dirt Cafe for an UNBELIEVABLY quick lunch with Chigga-B and Olivia and came back to my house to meet the cable modem guy. And now I am typing to you from home sweet home. Lovely!

Well, I had better get outta here as I have some real world activities to attend to, namely going to the bank and dropping off my old cable box.

Batteries required,


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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006