well hello there ...
Margaritas are muy fantastico!
Wednesday, Oct. 03, 2001
7:49 PM

Yep, just had dinner with D & J. First time to meet J and I must say that I approve whole heartedly! GREAT guy!! I can see that D is VERY happy and that makes it perfect! (how about if I use a few more !!! - what do you think?)

I am currently sitting here enjoying the remainder of my margarita from Pearl's. NO - I did NOT drink and drive. But I did order a drink take a few sips and ask for a to go cup for my water and pulled the ole' 1 - 2 - swap-aroo. Yeah, I am one slick mama! Actually, it was J's idea - props to my man! (don't worry - he will get the joke) and just for added measure - this is MC Desktop Publishing signing off! haha (seriously, you just had to be there)

So, other than that, not a whole lot happened today - OH WAIT!! I got to ride in a fabu red mustang - ah took me right back to high school (used to have one you know). I went to lunch with a bunch of friends from work and R happens to drive a shiny little red 'stang. Complete with camel colored leather interior - LOVED IT!! We even got to race some punk that thought he was better than us because his 'stang was white - WHATEVER!! Yeah, we put him in his place! Like I said, it took me right back to high school (which trust me, was quite some time ago). A great big thank you to R for letting me take a joy ride in that powerful little number. Doncha just love it when you rev a car while in neutral and there is so much power under the hood that the car rocks side-to-side a little?!? Well I LOVE that feeling!

That is really all that happened to me today. A good day all in all. OH and I got an extra special email from an extra special person when I got home. That will always make your day.

Word Up!

DJ Squeeky

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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006