well hello there ...
Ahh Love ...
Friday, Nov. 16, 2001
7:41 PM

Yep, so I'm at a loss as to what to right about today.

Let's see, I guess that I could talk about how there are only 5 more days until my man flies into town to spend the holiday with me. What is that you say? You would love to hear about that? Oh okay, well, let's see ... he will arrive in town around 9:40 next Wednesday night and I will probably take him out to eat as I am sure he will be starved. Then we need to catch some shut eye, since he will be meeting a sizeable portion of my family the next day. Oh yeah, my mom's side of the family has a huge family reunion every Thanksgiving day and Bradley (Fu-Fu to all you diarylanders) will be attending this grand gathering with me. He says that he wants to meet them all even though I have told him that some of them are as crazy as a three-legged goat, but he doesn't care. He says that he wants to know everything about me. Isn't that amazing? Yeah I think so too, especially since I know that once he gets to know them that he will probably call off the wedding. What's that? I didn't tell you we were getting married? Oh well we are. Yep, I am being one hundred percent serious here. He and I both know that this is it and that there are just a few formalities that we have to take care of before we can tie the knot. I know, I know, it comes as a bit of a shock to you, but you just have to understand what we have come to realize. He and I were made for each other. He just gets me like no other. Well okay, maybe my brother - but this isn't Arkansas people!! He thinks that I am smart, funny, and "devastatingly beautiful" (his words - hence the quotes). And I think that he is smart, hilariously funny, interesting, thought provoking, unbelievably handsome, lovable, and CRAZY SEXY! (hee hee) Anyway, we have fallen in love with each other and that is basically the whole story. He is the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with and he feels the same about me. We have the same goals in life, we want the same things from a "life partner" (UGH - I hate that term), and we are just two simple, like-minded people that want to be happy and realize that laughter and love are the two most important things in life. Without those two things, well I don't think that a person can really be happy. (there's my basic life philosophy in a nut shell folks)

Well okay, now I have totally spilled the beans. I hope you all feel extremely priviledged to be privy to such intimate information about my life.

I smile at the thought of him,

last :: next

Song of the Day: ��
Socks of the Day: ��
Smell of the Day: ��
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006