well hello there ...
Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2003
5:45 AM

Well, we returned last night from our week long road trip to Georgia. I have to say that it was very relaxing and much more enjoyable than the last trip (for the funeral).

We left on the 31st and stayed in Minden, Mississippi that night. Then we got up and hit the road again. As soon as we crossed the Mississippi River there was a Krystal. I thought that Fu was going to piss himself he was so happy! Funny how a small square hamburger can make someone's day! haha You see, we don't have them out here (or White Castle). In fact we don't have ANY fast food restaurant that serves tiny little square hamburgers. Weird huh?

Anyway, we stayed the night of the 1st in Atlanta at the Westin Peachtree Plaza hotel. Holy Shit that place was nice and that bed, well I will just let Fu tell you all about that. (He will also be posting many pictures from the trip).

The next day we went to Stone Mountain (a total Branson rip off, so we hated everything except for the actual mountain) and then on to Athens where Fu took us on a tour of all his old haunts: The 40 Watt Club, Wuxtry Records, the tree that owns itself, Michael Stipe's house (yes there are pictures), and of course his apartment and place of employment.

Then we went on to Warwick. The next day we hung out in Albany and he ran into all his old friends. We ended up having them all over to the lake house Saturday night. They were all happy to see Fu and he was very happy to get to spend time with them. Oh plus they all got shit face drunk. Bob ended up staying over as he was too drunk and then he got up and cleaned up the downstairs area the next morning! Can you believe that?!? That has to be one of the nicest things I have ever seen anyone do after a long night of drinking. He didn't even stick around to receive the glory and praise for it either, he snuck out all quiet like before we woke up. I will let Fu tell you all about the party since I ended up going to bed MUCH earlier than everyone else.

Anyway, we headed back the next day and stayed the night in Meridian, Mississippi. In an Econolodge right next to a Krystal. Needless to say we ate it for dinner that night and breakfast the next morning. Yeah, I think I had my fill of Krystal for a while.

So we are home now and our cats were pretty pissed off at first, but have now warmed up to us again. Luckily Obie was coming by twice a day to check on them, feed/water, clean their boxes, and play with them for a bit. He was a wonderful cat/house sitter!

Well, I have to go wake Fu for work now.

About to unpack and shit,

last :: next

Song of the Day: ��Goin Home - Ozzy Osborne
Socks of the Day: ��barefoot right now
Smell of the Day: ��mayhaw jelly (oooo yeah)
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006