well hello there ...
Just random shit
Saturday, Jan. 11, 2003
7:41 AM

Right so, today is Saturday and what time did I wake up? Yep, you guessed it - Five Fucking AM!! What the hell is that all about? I wake up earlier on the weekends than I do on weekdays - pisses me off!

So this is the first weekend since before Thanksgiving that Fu and I have had to just relax, clean house, etc. He is currently sleeping in and when he gets up, we will probably have a little breakfast and then do some chores around here.

He bought me some really nice stuff for my desk here in the computer/music room for Christmas and I have yet to get it all arranged and in working order. He gave me a nice brushed chrome lamp, that has an electric and computer jack in the base and a secretary to hold my paper clips, stamps, envelopes, and bills that need to be paid, it is really nice.

The other thing we have to do is track down the pictures from our wedding. Ever since we finally organized this room, I have not been able to find those damn things! I am trying to remain calm and not freak out that the only pictorial evidence of the most wonderful day of my life may be MIA! Deep breaths.

Oh the other thing we have to do is get some of our road trip pictures scanned in so that we can post them in an entry. Hopefully an entry by Fu - I know you all miss him and hope that he writes soon. He actually wrote an entry right after Christmas, but the site shut him down and he lost it all. Believe me, I was disapointed too! What you think I don't love reading his take on things? Well you are WRONG missy!

Too bad it is so freaking cold outside - otherwise I would go for a ride on my bike. Oh who am I kidding - I am a lazy ass!

Well I am going to get cracking on getting my desk organized and getting our Christmas decorations taken down - yeah yeah shut it - they are still up. We've been busy mmkay?!?

Maybe if I accidentally make some noise Fu will wake up. I'm lonely.

Ever wonder why shit can sometimes wake you up from a dead sleep? Well I have. I mean, how is it possible that your bowels have that much power? To pull you right out of a dream into the seering reality that you have to shit like a mother fucker! Yeah, I hate it when that happens.


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Song of the Day: ��Yo Diggity - Blackstreet
Socks of the Day: ��barefoot again
Smell of the Day: ��i think i smell snow
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006