well hello there ...
Droppin' eggs, Cancer, and invading wasps
Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003
7:34 PM

Well the doc said that I definitely dropped an egg this month. So much for my theory. Guess we'll just have to try the whole "have sex every day for a month solid" method. I'll let you know next month if it worked.

Also, I found out yesterday that my Aunt has cancer. I am pretty close to her, she and I are a lot alike, so it is pretty hard to think about. They said it wasn't in her breasts or her lungs but somewhere in between. I am afraid that it is lymphosarcoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). She is going to an Oncologist Thursday to schedule her chemo and radiation treatments. Her maternal aunt (my great-aunt) died of brain cancer. Her maternal grandfather (my great-grandfather) died of throat cancer.

So, not to be glib, but let's check up on Squeeky's list of worries shall we?

1. my aunt

2. our baby troubles

4. my health

5. our house

6. money for upcoming vacation

7. money for upcoming oral surgery

8. Fu's shocks

9. this FUCKING sunburn

10. why i fart so much

11. why said fart's don't ever stink

12. our baby troubles

13. my aunt

I figure 13 is a good number to end that list on, don't you?

So there was a wasp in my office today. I called maintenance to come exterminate it's buzzing ass. The guy comes in and determines that the seal around my window has a small gap and that that must be where they are coming in at (this is not the first one). So he says he will go get his caulk gun and return to seal the afore mentioned gap. So he comes back and I exit so as to give him some space. I come back in and ask how it's going, to which he says, "I'm having trouble with my caulk." Now, let's pause for a moment. I want you to go back and read his sentence out loud to yourself. Now if you pronounce "caulk" as we do out here in OK you will see why I about shit myself with stifled laughter. It was the high point of my day.

Fu is currently in the living room composing a song on our new $30 Hammond Organ. It's just one of the fabulous deals we got at the estate auction on Sunday. He was so excited it almost made his heart pee.

We didn't go to Vic Chesnutt last night. Yeah, we pussed out. After a trip to the coot doc and hearing about my aunt I just didn't have the pep to go. I felt bad for letting Fu down, but he confessed that he would live since he has seen him several times before.

Okay, well he has now started playing "Axel F", so I need to go put a stop to it!

Love to you all,

last :: next

Song of the Day: ��The Blower's Daughter - Damian Rice
Socks of the Day: ��barefoot and not pregnant
Smell of the Day: ��ginger ale
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006