well hello there ...
The Latest News in the House Saga!!
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003
8:08 PM

Yeah, we told those people building our house to take a flying leap. It's a long story, but basically they screwed up and when we talked to a supervisor about it he told us that it happened because the builder wasn't paying attention and "hey, when you build as many houses as we do, the quality is bound to suffer..."


Are you fucking kidding me? This is our house we are talking about here. I'm not buying a pair of flip-flops at fucking K-Mart! I mean really, am I supposed to trust you now that you have told me that someone hasn't been paying attention to the house they were building? I mean he missed a fucking wall where a hole is supposed to be, what the hell else did he miss?

Anyway, the happy ending is we are now buying this house.

It is a magnificent home that is everything Fu and I have ever dreamed of (minus the S&M dungeon of course, but hey you have to work toward something!). I mean it really is, just look at this beautiful fireplace.

Now, you tell me which house you would choose!


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Song of the Day: ��Cincinnatti WKRP (I don't know why!)
Socks of the Day: ��red and brown striped
Smell of the Day: ��chocolate milk
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006