well hello there ...
Graduation, "Blue", and our new home
Sunday, Jun. 08, 2003
3:26 PM

Well my baby brother has graduated from high school. I can't believe it! I mean I can still remember the very first time I saw him. I was 13 and he was about 10 days old. Anyway, he and I have always had this great sibling relationship, even more than that, we have always just been great friends. We are like life-long best friends that each know the other will always be there no matter what. He is just a great person to know. In fact, here's a picture of Fu, Matt (my brother), and me (acting a fool) right after Matt's graduation last weekend (May 30).

In other news, I put a couple of items in Dotti's garage sale yesterday and ended up making around $60. Yeah that was a nice little bit of pocket change. Well except that it burned a hole clean through my pants! Fu and I promptly went out and bought a new record player. We were so excited that we have listened to nothing but records ever since yesterday afternoon. In fact I am currently listening to Joni Mitchell's album Blue. And let me just tell all you little pre- and post-pubescent teens out there that if you want to here some damned good music that might actually sound a little like someone you know well (Tori Amos) you need to RUN out and buy this album. To put it simply - it FUCKING ROCKS ASS!! (oh and you should also buy Johnny Cash's latest album and Nashville Skyline by Bob Dylan.)

Well, I am going to close now as Fu and I are about to scan some pictures of our new house. I will post one at the end of this entry once we are done. You will notice that it isn't quite done yet, but it will be soon. Oh you should also look at the awesome view we will have behind our house.

Okay, I really need to go, Fu's nagging me to get off the computer!


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Song of the Day: ��It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Bob Dylan
Socks of the Day: ��barefoot
Smell of the Day: ��75 degree partly cloudy day air
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006