well hello there ...
Rainy Day Ramblings
Thursday, Jun. 12, 2003
8:03 AM

Well, it's Thursday and it's raining again. It has rained the past two or three nights as I was falling asleep. That has to be one of the best feelings in the world. Just laying in your bed all warm and snug, listening to the rain dance across your roof. Mmm, makes me sleepy just thinking about it.

In other news, Fu and I went to Dillard's last night as he was in desperate need of some new clothes. So we ended up buying him two new pull-overs, two pairs of Dockers, and a pair of jeans. So, he should be set for a while. Then as we were walking out I decided to stop by the children's section and see if they had any cute dresses for Rachael (his sister's baby that we will see for the first time next month). I guess I had forgotten where in the hell I was because, um hello?!?, when would Dillards NOT have cute little baby dresses? UGH! Yeah, so we walked out of there with a much lighter wallet than when we walked in. We ended up buying her 4 little outfits and a "Dr. Bo-Bo" bib courtesy of Fu. Oh and have I mentioned that he is foaming at the mouth to buy Rachael her first pair of Converse sneakers? Well he is. Guess we need to get those too, before we leave for GA.

Let's see, what else is up. Oh I have been working on a photo shoot here at work the last few days. I guess you would call what I'm doing Art Direction because I am basically setting up all the products to match a previous program overview's photos. It has been a lot of fun and I am learning a good bit about photography. The drawback? It is hotter than a witch's titty in a brass bra in that room and I have been sweating like crazy everday. Then I have to go back to work and worry that I stink all day long! I think I need to bring a bottle of Febreze to work!

OH! Then I am sitting at Sonic this morning enjoying my french toast sticks (or freedom toast sticks to all you weirdos out there who don't realize that French fried items don't refer to their country of origin) when I remember that today is the day that I am supposed to show a couple of teachers from the local vo-tech around our department and discuss what Production does and how we enteract with other departments and outside contractors. ACK! I think I would have put a little more thought into my hairstyle and choice of clothing had I remembered that! Dammit! Oh well, guess they will just have to take me as I am!

Anyway, I think I have babbled on long enough this morning. Better get some work done!

I'll probably sweat again today because it seems as though the storm has broken our AC!


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Song of the Day: ��Julia - The Essex Green
Socks of the Day: ��White with blue and yellow flowers
Smell of the Day: ��duh! - french toast sticks (or B.O.)
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006