well hello there ...
Today is a Day That I Shall Rue
Friday, Nov. 09, 2001
8:59 AM

So let's see, hmmm, today I am not at work as I am helping Em pack and move. Aww yeah! LOVE doing that! (you can smell the sarcasm right?) Anyway, it doesn't bother me in the LEAST to be helpin a brotha out, I am down with that, it's just - and I think you all got my back here - moving is HELL!! Can I get a HELL YEAH!!? Thank ya, Thank ya very much!

So I woke up this morning, rolled over picked up the phone and called my boy in Georgia (the ever infamous Fu-Fu). The first thing he asks me is if I called him at 1:30 (2:30 his time) this morning, I say yes, he then asks what he said, and here is where the fun began! (evil laughter ensues) Actually I was completely honest with him, I told him that apparently I caught him in the middle of an X-rated dream because he was quite frisky as soon as he heard my trembling little voice (I had just woke up from a nightmare). So I gave him flack about not being comforting and just being in it for the sex. He was all apologetic and then realized who he was talking to and immediately doubted the story! It kills me that he knows me so well! But REALLY I am telling the truth, that boy was FRISKY! haha (okay okay I will stop there - I know most of you are really NOT wanting to know this stuff - well except for Dots, she loves this stuff and shit!)

Speaking of Dots: Tonight is her Barbie Birthday party and I can't wait. I shall be arriving at her house with a present in one hand (even though she said no presents) and a bottle of Midori in the other. Well okay, I guess they could both be considered presents, but one of them is a gift to both of us! haha She and I plan to get our drink on tonight BABY! HOO Yeah! (Dots, I know you are reading this, so engage that bartender section of your brain. GIRL!)

That is about all that my day has been about so far. I am about to go buy her b-day present and then head over to Em's house so we can get our move on! haha (btw, i love talkin rap! in case you haven't noticed, it's my new "thing")

Peace Out,
O.G. Squeeky

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Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006