well hello there ...
A Day in the Life of Squeeky
Sunday, Sept. 07, 2003
10:52 AM

Well, well, well. Seems as though I am avoiding the work I need to be doing ONCE AGAIN.

See, Fu had to work yesterday morning and I should have been packing while he was gone, but what did I do? Well I showered, got dressed, and played with the computer & digital camera. REAL hard work, let me tell ya!

Then, I decided that I would document my life by taking a picture every hour or so. I know you are all just waiting with bated breath to see a day in the life of me! Okay, Okay, your wait is over, just look below.

Me right out of the shower.

Me right after a shower and groom.

Foot Foot smelling Lola's ass while I play on the computer.

The street we live on now as we were walking down to a yard sale.

Fu walking back from the yard sale dejected by the fact that they had no records.

Our house (again). We met my mom over there to show it to her.

Um, I think this one is obvious. It's where we ate lunch.

Me checking my teeth for random lunch leftovers before we went into the furniture store.

Nice picture of pollution and downtown OKC after we left the furniture store.

The "Gentlemen's" Club (aka titty bar) that you pass on Reno Avenue. One time Fu and I saw a stripper walking precariously on clear acrylic platforms from this place over to the Dairy Queen next door in the middle of the day. Ever since we are on "stripper alert" everytime we pass this place.

Fu and I decided to stop and take a gander at the latest Japanese crap. I found a cool little yellow stuffed guy to hang from my rearview mirror.

Here is the little guy I bought. Does anyone know what/who he is?

Here are Fu's feet and Lola while we watch the OU v Alabama football game. Lola is laying on the boxes full of plantation blinds for the new house.

This is when I fed the fish while we were watching the game. Exciting huh?

Foot Foot and Lola have taken to wrastlin' WWF style - here is an example.

Brad watching me watching Foot Foot and Lola wrastle.

A picture of the moon from our front yard.

Lola asleep, while I upload pictures of my day.


Now, see what I mean when I say that my life is wonderful?

Love to you all,

last :: next

Song of the Day: ��Belle and Sebastian - Big John Shaft
Socks of the Day: ��barefoot
Smell of the Day: ��lemon cake
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006