well hello there ...
Fu-Fu, Foot Foot, and their sordid love triangle
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003
1:39 PM

Here is yet another example of why I married Fu-Fu.

We were having an email discussion about how our older female cat has a gas problem because of the treats Fu bought.

Here is the email I sent him and then his final email to me:

>>> "Squeeky" 12/19/2003 1:16:44 PM >>>

she likes them because she knows they make her gassy and she likes to curl up in front of me on the desk and simultaneously fart and shed half her hair onto me. she is jealous of me.

>>> "Fu-Fu" 12/19/2003 1:02:37 PM >>>

that's true. she told me just the other night. she said "pssstttt...fu-fu! hey fu! the broad, what's her name? Squeeky? whatever. here's the deal. i'm in love with you and if i can't have you, i don't want nobody baby. if i can't have you. ooh ooh ooh. so from now on i'm gonna get right in front of her while she's on the computer and i'm gonna let 'em rip while i shed all over her chesticles. oh and by the way...that fat orange one you call fred but whose real name is george.....oh he gets on my nerves! can i set him on fire? please? uh-oh...here comes that broad......we never had this conversation.......miaow."

Some insurance company

Can you see it? Can you see why my life is so wonderful?


Shit! This is ridiculous. I really, really don�t want to be at work today. I know, I know. You are saying, �But Squeeky, you are about to have two whole weeks off!� See the thing is though that the last day is always the hardest. You know, it�s like the last day of school before summer vacation�except there are no teachers screaming at you to keep it quiet.

Okay, well I should probably finish up my work so I can talk my boss into letting me leave early. Just shut it, you know you would too if you could!!


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Song of the Day: ��Bluebird of Happiness - Mojave 3
Socks of the Day: ��brown, tan, and red striped
Smell of the Day: ��the inside of my nose
Last Five Entries:

New Ramblings - Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009
return of the squee - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009
Movin' on up! - Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006
Our Life These Days - Tuesday, May. 30, 2006
Downtown OKC and his urge to take a whiz - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006