well hello there ...
That Fucking Texas Chainsaw Massacre!!
Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003
6:00 AM

So, we went to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre" last night (yeah Halloween night) and it bothered me so much that we left halfway through. I actually turned to Brad, asked if he wanted to stay (I knew the answer before I asked the question), and then said that I was ready to leave. Now, I have NEVER walked out of a movie, MUCH less a horror movie, but that shit disturbed the hell out of me. I mean, I guess had I been a little younger and carefree and not so freaked out about the world and my own mortality I could have sat through it and screamed with the other little bitches, but DAMN! there was just no way I was going to be able to sit there and watch it and be able to NOT think about the downfall of humanity the rest of the weekend. And you know, really, I would rather think about bunnies than about some nutjob hanging a guy up on a meat hook! YIKES!

I guess I am just more affected by things these days. What the shit is up with that? Maybe it's because when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade I had a babysitter that made me watch Faces of Death with her. I think that movie fucked me up at a young age and now I am old enough to realize that shit like that really happens in REAL LIFE and that just scares the ever livin' bejesus out of me!

Well that's all. I mean I guess I will never know the full story line of TCM. I don't know if the one girl gets away in true horror movie fashion or if they all die. I don't know what horrible torture the leather faced guy put them through and while my morbid curiousity is dying to know (no pun intended) I think I can live the rest of my days without knowing and just believing that it was actually all a joke, Aston Kutcher was just "punking" them and the reveal happened right after I left and everyone lived happily ever after.

I am going to watch Watership Down now ... that has bunnies in it right?


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Song of the Day: ��Birthday Song - Ben Lee
Socks of the Day: ��barefoot right now
Smell of the Day: ��i think i smell skunk
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